Transparent, User-Friendly Policies That Maximize Your Insulation From Lawsuits
We complete redlines and conduct deep gap analyses, review your programs, and interview your stakeholders so you do not have to. Our policies are designed to be transparent and user-friendly while maximizing your insulation from lawsuits and litigation.
Available Policy, Procedure, and Program Reviews
- Title IX or General Discrimination Policy Review
- Code of Student Conduct Policy Review
- Student or Employee Handbook Review
- AA/EEO Policy Review
- Behavioral Intervention Procedures Review
- Disability Services Policy Review
- Title IX Program Review
- Athletics Program Review
- Title VI
Title IX Program Review
How is your school or campus doing with overall Title IX compliance? Have you analyzed your Title IX program beyond your basic response to sexual harassment complaints? Are you unsure how you measure up against peer institutions? This one-day on-site service will get you a snapshot assessment of where your program is and where it needs to go.
A Title IX overview assessment entails a TNG expert visiting your campus, school, or district to meet with key stakeholders, review policies and procedures, and spot-check prior Title IX cases to provide you with a set of recommendations for enhancing your Title IX compliance/program. A one-day visit results in a TNG expert providing a verbal summary of priority areas to focus on and can include a follow-up written report detailing specific findings and recommendations.
- Client revises their own P&P per ATIXA models. An ATIXA expert then does final review on the changes and meets with client via Zoom to walk through and analyze.
- Client revises their own P&P per their own internal work or some other model (not ATIXA’s). An ATIXA expert then does final review on the changes and meets with client via Zoom to walk through and analyze.
- Client engages ATIXA to revise its Title IX P&P per ATIXA models.
- Client engages ATIXA to revise its Title IX P&P per ATIXA models inclusive of revisions such as Process B, employee handbook, faculty handbook, etc.
- ATIXA writes a whole new set of custom Title IX (or broader) P&P for client to its specifications, to include website updates, flowcharts, and any needed workflows
ATIXA has a team of highly qualified experts with extensive experience in Title IX policy and procedure development and review. We stay updated on all federal regulations, court cases, and best practices related to Title IX, ensuring our recommendations are always current and compliant. We also provide individualized attention to each institution we work with, tailoring our review process to address your needs and concerns.