Supporting higher education Title IX Administrators.
Here, we see compliance as a floor. We encourage our members to reach for the ceiling, because excellent programs are built from commitment, not compliance. ATIXA will put you in the best possible position not just to meet, but to exceed, the compliance mandates of the courts and OCR, so that your program serves your community well not just today, but long-term.
Join a nationwide support network. Receive ongoing legal updates. Benefit from compliance and regulatory guidance. Bolster your operations with resources. Participate in professional development to further your career and improve your daily work. Stay up-to-date on the latest news, research, case law, and other developments impacting the field of Title IX.
Higher Education members include college and university Title IX Team representatives, including:
- Title IX Coordinators and Deputies
- Title IX and Civil Rights Investigators
- ADA/504 Coordinators
- Victim/Survivor Advocates
- Prevention, Education, and Training Staff
- Legal Counsel
- Title IX Allies
- Hearing Board Personnel
- Human Resources Personnel
- Student Services Personnel
Best in class Higher Education professional development content and community.